The Public Source: Investigating the Root Causes of the Crises
The Public Source is a young media platform based in Beirut. Through investigative research, in-depth analyses and political commentary the journalists shed light on the root causes of the political and economic crises in Lebanon. This independent and critical news coverage is key to bringing about positive change in Lebanon – a country that has been suffering from mismanagement, corruption, and negligence for years – and to holding those in power accountable. The explosion in the port of Beirut was both a result and a symptom of these multiple crises, and transparent investigations and a well-informed public discourse will be crucial in preventing such catastrophes from happening again.
After the explosion, forumZFD has collected donations to help the people of Lebanon and to promote peaceful change in the long-term. The Public Source was one of six local initiatives that we chose to support, because their investigative journalism makes an important contribution to social transformation.
In particular, the funds provided by forumZFD helped The Public Source to expand its team. In the future, the platform plans to publish more content in Arabic, in addition to the English. Thanks to the donations The Public Source was able to recruit two Arabic language editors and translators. With the increased team, The Public Source works on the investigative series „Chronicles of the Crises“ and “Dispatches from the October Revolution” which scrutinizes the structural crises in Lebanon that have driven the country on the brink of collapse and prepared the ground for the explosion on 4th of August, and highlights the struggle of resistance. Moreover, the journalists expose processes of enrichment for the few and dispossession of the majority, and shed light on structural problems such as infrastructural collapse, environmental devastation, and de-funded healthcare and education, among other issues.
Das Redaktionsteam von The Public Source bei einem ihrer Redaktionstreffen. Auf ihrer Website veröffentlichen sie vor allem Texte, aber auch Comics und Videos.
Eine Übersicht über alle Projekte, die das forumZFD nach der Explosion in Beirut mit Spenden unterstützt hat, finden Sie hier.